Air hockey how does it work

While the table can be made ordinarily like for a pool table, the air escaping from below is what makes this game as unique as it is. The holes play a huge role in allowing air to pass through hence allowing the puck to play effectively in the middle of the board. The airflow has to remain steady for the game to be played. If the flow is weak, the puck will be unsteady and the game will not be enjoyable anymore. If you own such a stable, you can adjust the airflow by raising the surface to expose the fans.

The airflow is measured in CFM to mean cubic feet per minute. Under normal circumstances, the rate of flow will be between to At least according to professional tabling system. The size can matter in that for a smaller table the flow is less and vice versa. Adjusting the blower to a standard rate will ensure the puck can actually be used to play over the table. Before any game, one should have the air hockey table, a puck, mallets, and a partner to play with.

Once all is available, one player will be required to hit the pluck to commence the game. With only seven seconds of play per player, the initiator will hit the puck with the air hockey mallet and the game shall continue. Scores will be awarded and a winner will be announced. If a player misses hitting the puck within his or her seven seconds, there will be a penalty.

In order for you to win, you have to score points. The air pressure is what keeps the puck floating, making it appear as though the puck is levitating. This is the same principle used in hovercraft technology. The key to creating this effect lies in the smooth surface and evenly blown air that the fan pumps up through the playing board.

This allows opposing players to hit the puck toward the other end of the board without it getting stuck. No cheating! Hopefully you have not fallen asleep by now. The science behind the game can get fairly technical and boring. Both opponents are to construct a defense to keep that objective from taking place, while creating shots to overcome those defensive measures. Now that was the technical working principle of air hockey. The other working principle is more practical.

It is a game that was developed for those people who like hockey but do not have the time or skills to do so. The game allows them to have fun with family and friends without the expense and investment of time that is required to play real hockey. This fun can take place anywhere and any time you are free to get a little exercise as well as spend some quality time with your friends and family. It is also a great way to work off steam and excess energy while getting a little healthy exercise.

Your healthy lifestyle will be enhanced if you add air hockey to your entertainment schedule. It turns out that air hockey can be quite addicting. Its fast pace, the intensity levels and highly competitive nature seems to hook many players and they cannot get enough of the game.

Some people have gone as far as creating a professional league for air hockey players who think their talents are superior to other players. The good news is that air hockey is a very simple game and unlike real hockey it doesn't require pads, masks, helmets or other protective equipment. In fact, the less equipment and clothing that restricts arm movement is ideal. The game is very basic and simple to operate, although you can get electronic scoreboards, flashing LED lights, sound effects and other accessories.

But those are not for the serious player. Depending on the style of the air hockey game you buy, you will get a basic table, a puck, two mallets, an air blower and usually a built-in manual scoreboard. That is all you really need to play the game. Everything else is for entertainment value only. One part of the game that is also very important is an air hockey table cover. This protects your game from damage and keeps the surface nice and clean.

Each air hockey part does have its own name and its own style of construction material. However, the laminates used for this purpose can be a bit fragile and prone to damage from hard impacts. Some air hockey tables also include some kind of interior wall that rises from the sides of the playing surface. Typically, these walls are made from a resilient material that can effectively push back against a puck impact.

This can be accomplished with nylon stripping as well as aluminum plating. In theory, an air hockey paddle can be made from any durable plastic, so long as it is properly shaped.

However, it is important to only use air hockey pucks that feature a raised outer edge and are made from Lexan polycarbonate resin. These include the following, which range from miniature to full competitive regulation scale:. This fan draws air in and forces it into the hollow interior of the table, which is sealed on all sides to prevent air from escaping.


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