And like most dictators he had Napoleon complex. So he is 5'7" at most. In history books is always said he was "rather short" or even "short" when 5''9 is not so short and within those times! It's alike for someone to be about 5'10 in nowdays or so. Is that short person?
Maybe not tall but not short for sure. Is that possible that he appeared tall back in the day? Hitler may have had an intimidating presence to some people, one that left a greater impression of height on them.
He was also listed at in Landsberg prison records. So the question is whether Mussolini was indeed 5'6. Btw he looked anywhere from with Ribbentrop anywhere from with Himmler,anywhere from with Goering assuming the latter was much more like 5'9. I read many sources that gave which could really be a possiblity but I just wonder from where the figure was taken.
Do you think peak range? Click Here Editor Rob. I still feel cm is possible, over I can't believe. We will never know,but the tense relations between germans and soviets after July i.
Hmmm,I don't know if the apparent cold war that prevailed in between the reich and USSR would have lasted eternally. Also peace with Britain was impossible after Hitler invaded Northern and Western Europe,as too many interests and friendly nations have been affected. Ironically,every time someone brought war in Europe cossacks,swedish,ottomans,french,germans ,it turned to Russia's advantage since mid 17th Century onwards except WW1.
Hitler should have formed a full alliance with the Soviet Union after the British rejected his peace offers in July He was 5'10", same height as Chamberlain.
He was Austrian. Born in Braunau am Inn. Yes, 5'8" is a good height and even nowadays it is a solid average worldwide, and historically it has always been above average or tall. The facts you gave were fascinating! Finally, you have 22 cm on me! Welcome to celebheights! Most of the people in the world live in the Tropical locations, especially Asia, here 5'8" is above average due to the conditions of heat and humidity. Exceptions will always be present, like many tribes on the Afghanistan frontier are known for their towering traits.
If you scour through the internet you will find that even the fearsome Vikings of the middle ages were 5'7" in their era. I don't even think Hitler would be short nowadays! Not in height anyway! I have seen many sites on the Internet listing famous short men from the past and incredibly these sites typically list men who were 5'8", which was probably never short at any time in previous centuries throughout any country in the world.
Even now 5'8" is only short in some Eastern European countries really. Listen to this, a few sites even classify famous men of 5'9" from previous centuries as short! Have a great weekend both of you! I can buy the figure for de Gaulle, 6ft 5 range is a myth. I think you should keep silent about the history, neither we nor historians have a real plan.
If he had fought a limited war in the Mediterranean he might have succeeded. Instead of invading Greece he should have focused on taking Malta, as that would have dealt a crippling blow to the British Empire and encouraged Spain to officially join the conflict. Mussolini's main mistake was not joining the war when it began, because then the Germans would have been more willing to help him. I am slightly below cm, though I am excercising to close the gap :P.
Most french sources give him though. You could compare all of South Asian leaders with its help :P. The Italians had not fielded a decent army in almost years, so getting into the modern Blitzkrieg war was never going to work. Though Mussolini's manual of "Fasicm for Dummies" did serve as Hitler's guidebook in the early years.
It is misleading to say Spain was neutral however - Franco sided with Germany for most of the war. Yes Mussolini entered the war in order to seize British and French colonies in Africa and the Mediterranean. He was more of an old-fashioned imperialist like Churchill.
Without these campaigns the British Empire would have lasted for longer and Britain would have continued killing millions of people in India. I should have worked that one out for myself really! It sounds like an irksome name, and one which would have driven him crazy if he'd been called that, even in a playful way!
You know what I mean? How tall are you? Rajz You have put a lot of work into those comments! I can't write it out in full because Rob has a swear filter to edit out such words! It looks like Rajz has provided yet more evidence that Hitler was a "flat as a pancake" 5'8", there was certainly no fizz with this guy!
Have a fab week Sandy! They were both average or possibly plus. Its just that their personalities are shaped by historical perspective. Take Bill Clinton, still quite popular. His was 6'2 at peak, which is indeed tall. But I was surprised at first that he was That is the perception which people make. Same with Michael Phelps, everyone quotes him as 6'4 regardless of facts.
Enjoy the coming week Nik! Nik - Yes, it was bound to happen again, wasn't it? I have only seen photos with taller men. Sorry, I meant 5 of us! Rajz Well, that's all the proof we need! Rajz - That makes 4 of us! Rajz - I don't care for him much either! Charles de Gaulle deserves a page on here He had never been measured smaller. Skorzeny looks as tall as Lord Halifax, who stood 6'4" Click Here.
Hitlers eye-level is under his chin. Guido Knopp in his book about the SS mentions that the Totenkopf Division formed by KZ guards were required to be at least cm but their leader Theodor Eicke was only according to one listing and actually looked clearly smaller than Himmler no way only 1cm difference,Knopp also mentions further in the book that from onwards the doctors were asked to soften their standards for recruitement except concerning hereditary diseases or jewish ancestry Click Here tall do you think Otto Skorzeny measured?
He's listed at 6'4 and also but I find it a little unlikely,assuming that the pic was taken in at which time Hitler already developed Parkinson disease and was 5' In other pics with Hitler he looks no more than but of course he's taller than that Click Here. The Landsberg prison document is a good source.
According to Click Here , Morell measured him in to be But what is confusing is that Morell mentioned cm somewhere else.
Anonymous Some people are convinced that he had a Napoleon complex. Also,I saw that some sources gave him 5'8. To be that precise could mean it stemmed from a measurement? Here is a very good pic of Hitler with Ribbentrop that shows he's definitely shorter than him,if anything he's a genuine and again a chance for but no more Click Here.
He was not tall but he wasn't short either. Even their leader general Sepp Dietrich was probably no more than and anyways listed which is generous compared to Hitler and Himmler looks a good 7cm smaller. Once and for all,it's a pure legend that the nazis were tall or even had organisations based on height,the only fact,which also applies to the Red Army is that generals,basically all born before enjoyed higher life standards and were already adults for most of them at the outbreak of WW1 in and the subsequent hardships famine,disease Yes Hitler certainly shrunk by ,I just saw a documentary about his health and at one moment they made a comparison between his posture in at the time of the Battle of France where his posture was still impeccable and where he clearly had a poor posture.
How much actual loss though is the question. Anyways again the max arguable is cm since that's what he was measured in prison Click Here always a possibility but anything more is a joke and he was definitely smaller than Ribbentrop.
MrFish Yes, he shrunk. Look at his posture in Click Here. Traudl Junge, who had served him as secretary, recalled him saying Click Here , "Eva always wants me to keep my back straight. Voting time! I think I will stick with 5'8"!
His main mistake was not declaring war on the United States in September after the Destroyers for Bases Agreement. After all, many of the testimonials of people who met him say 5ft 8in, so I really don't think he was much taller than that. What do you think? Guess what I missed as well three days ago? Thankfully there are repeats of it like you said. Yes, a girl couldn't ask for more than what Jaffa brings to the table, and I don't just mean his honey!
Who knows, we may even revise our estimates on Adolf's height after seeing the programmes! You have a great week too Sandy! The reason I suggested that the dudes who visit this page watch the 'Supernatural Nazi' series of programmes was because it would appeal to their historical interest. I do hope some visitors got something from the programme. What I saw was very informative and the footage of Hitler and others was amazing.
If I come across any more interesting programmes I will let the people who take an interest in this historical period know as soon as I find out about them. It might be worth mentioning that they show war programmes on the 'Yesterday' Channel ever so often. If we can't come to some reasonable conclusion as to Hitler's height soon, I'll be most surprised! And no more messing about from me!
Guess what I missed yesterday? Would you believe it? I had been waiting for it all week as well! Until then, I'm sure Jaffa will fill me in! AND he is interested in history! What more can a girl ask for? They knocked at my door last week, NOT the canaries!
Of course, I denied ever mixing with his kind! Have a great week Nik! Obviously he wanted to invade anyway for other reasons, but the oil crisis was why he launched Barbarossa while the war with the UK was still ongoing.
Delaying Barbarossa would have given Stalin more time to rearm and modernise the Red Army. I do think there is probably a tendency to portray Hitler as short simply because he was an evil dictator.
I don't see any proof or any real reason to believe Hitler wore lifts. I do believe the stories of Stalin wearing them, though because specifics are included and there are so many different reports of Stalin's insecurity about his height. I don't think Hitler was that bothered with his height or had much reason to be either.
I think in the absence of some solid evidence of lifts, the measurement adds up quite well with most of the reference heights we know. The truth about the Soviets was buried and obscured for so long. This is such a heinous crime because under decrees like Stalin's Order.
This was not unknown by the Allies either. I won't get into all of the enormous blunders or treason in some cases considering the State Department in those years such as not taking Berlin, but it's incredible how much even that Molotov-Ribbentrop pact even got overlooked.
Many also don't seem aware that Stalin wasn't much more fond of Jews than Hitler was. Things got worse when Adolf's older brother, Alois Jr. His mild-mannered mother occasionally tried to shield him, but was ineffectual. Adolf's attempt to run away at 11 was unsuccessful.
At the age of 14 he was freed when his hated father died - an event that he did not mourn. Hitler dropped out of high school at age 16 and went to Vienna, where he strove to become an artist, but was refused twice by the Vienna Art Academy. By this time Hitler had become an ardent German nationalist--although he was not German but Austrian--and when World War I broke out, he crossed into Germany and joined a Bavarian regiment in the German army. He was assigned as a message runner but also saw combat.
He had died from a gunshot to the forehead and resembled Hitler so closely he was mistakenly identified as him. His body was even filmed by newsreel photographers with the Soviet soldiers who found the body. Supposedly he had been used as a decoy for "security reasons". Weler's body was taken to Moscow for identification and buried at Lefortovo Prison.
However, Hugh Thomas reported in that Weler was found alive after the war and that Allied troops had interviewed him following the fall of Berlin. Had a Mercedes touring car with a special seat which could be raised up so that he could be more easily seen when he rode through the streets.
One son died in an auto accident in Another son has described his ancestry as "a pain in the ass. Hitler's reputation as one of the most evil men in history has inspired several fantasy films. The Boys from Brazil was based on a theory that Hitler wanted to clone himself, while Raiders of the Lost Ark and Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade were based on the premise that he wanted to make his army invincible by acquiring the supernatural powers of the Ark of the Covenant and the Holy Grail.
After his suicide in April his corpse was imperfectly cremated due to lack of petrol, and some remains were not burned. Pieces of his skull including one with a bullet hole and leg bones were thought to be recovered by the Soviets, however forensic and DNA testing have since proved the remains to not be his.
The jaw fragments the Soviets claimed to belong to Hitler were not tested. Only in January of was Marshal Georgi Zhukov able to finally defeat the German forces and liberate the city, finally lifting the siege after a cost of some 2,, lives.
Total human losses during the six years of war were estimated at 60,,, of which 27,, were Russians, Ukrainians, Jews and other people in Soviet territory. Germany lost over 11,, soldiers and civilians. Poland and Yugoslavia lost over 3,, people each. Italy and France lost over 1,, each. Most nations of Central and Eastern Europe suffered severe--and in some cases total--economic destruction.
Hitler's ability to act as a figurehead of the Nazi machine was long gone by late For many years Hitler was kept on drugs by his medical personnel. In a group of German army officers and civilians pulled off an almost successful assassination attempt on Hitler, but he survived. In several major battles occurred at Kursk which became the largest tank battle in history , Kharkov and Stalingrad, all of which the Germans lost.
The battle for Stalingrad was one of the largest in the history of mankind. At Stalingrad alone the Germans lost , troops, in addition to the losses suffered by Italian, Hungarian, Romanian, Czech, Croatian and other forces, but the Russians lost over one million men. In German troops assisted Italy, which under dictator Benito Mussolini was a German ally, in its takeover of Yugoslavia and Greece.
Meanwhile, in Germany and the occupied countries, a program of mass extermination of Jews had begun. On June 22, , German forces invaded the Soviet Union. In addition to ore than 4,, German troops, there were additional forces from German allies Romania, Italy, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Spain and Finland, among others. Hitler used multinational forces in order to save Germans for the future colonization of the Russian lands.
Launched in the year , he has attained famous support by confronting the Treaty of Versailles as well as endorsing anti-semitism, Pan-Germanism, and also anti-communism along with charismatic oratory and also Nazi propaganda.
Moreover, he often condemned global capitalism and socialism as being a share of a Jewish plan. By the year , it is found that the Nazi Party was the biggest elected party within the German Reichstag as well as directed to his selection as Chancellor in the year After fresh elections were won by his alliance, the Reichstag has passed the Enabling Act, the one which has started the procedure of changing the Weimar Republic to Nazi Germany, known as a one-party dictatorship centered on the authoritarian as well as the autocratic philosophy of National Socialism.
He has regulated large-scale armament and also in the year attacked Poland, causing in British and French announcements of war made on Germany. In the year , he has ordered an attack of the Soviet Union. By the completion of the year , German forces, as well as the European Axis powers, employed the majority of North Africa and Europe. Below his leadership and ethnically inspired ideology, the Nazi administration was accountable for the slaughter of a minimum of 5.
He had made most of his fortune with Hitler was worth being the German-based politician and head of Nazi. Moreover, it is also supposed that one of the major reasons why he was very rich as he did not consider paying taxes. He is famed for his perseverance in different political parties. However, he is also recognized for his evil nature. He promised his revenge!