Why is purging bad

They may begin to feel driven or compelled to exercise, and choose exercise over almost all other activities. You can damage your body with over-exercising, especially if that is combined with poor eating. The body is under a lot of stress because it is not getting the energy it needs to be so active.

There is also no time for the body to rest, heal and recharge between workouts. Female athletes who take part in sports such as dance, gymnastics, or marathons are at high risk of over-exercising. Compulsive exercise is a sign of a serious eating disorder. If you, or someone you know, is exercising compulsively to lose weight, you should get help from a medical professional immediately.

They recommend some very dangerous behaviours. They talk as if anorexia nervosa or bulimia are lifestyle choices rather than disorders. The sites have chat rooms and blogs where people support each other in staying anorexic or bulimic and refusing treatment. These websites often include:.

There has been research on teenagers with eating disorders who visit these sites. It shows they spend less time on schoolwork, and more time in hospital, compared to teenagers who were in treatment for an eating disorder who did not visit these sites. It is important for families, friends and healthcare professionals to be aware of these sites.

Visiting pro-eating disorder websites can prevent someone with an eating disorder from seeking the help and treatment they need. It looks like you're using an old version of Internet Explorer. For the best experience, please update your browser.

Update Internet Explorer or learn how to browse happy. If you would like to continue to the site using your current browser, click here. Are you in crisis? Contact the Crisis Line from anywhere in BC no area code needed : Read Our Stories. Watch Our YouTube Channel. Locate A Program. How do I know if I have an eating disorder? Dangerous Eating Behaviours People with eating disorders use many different ways to try to lose weight or control their weight. For example, they may: Diet or take diet pills Purge by using laxatives and diuretics, or making themselves vomit Exercise too much or too often Cut out certain types of food Fast go long periods of time without eating These are very unhealthy behaviours, and can be VERY dangerous.

Some of the different ways of purging are: Self-Induced Vomiting: Many people with eating disorders make themselves vomit as a way to try to lose weight. They force themselves to throw up right after a meal. For some, vomiting is linked with bouts of over-eating or binge-eating.

Most people induce vomiting by sticking their fingers down their throat. For this reason, they often develop a scar, or some hard skin, on the back of their hand. Self-induced vomiting can cause: damage to your esophagus, the tube that transports food from the mouth to the stomach damage to teeth that come in contact with stomach acid dehydration — loss of body fluids that have important minerals and electrolytes to help the heart and other organs to work properly Some symptoms of repeated vomiting are muscle weakness, irregular heartbeat, and heart failure.

In BC, the number for Poison Control is: 1. Laxative Abuse: A laxative is a medication that is usually used to treat constipation. It acts on the large intestine to trigger a bowel movement. Laxative abuse is when you use laxatives to try to get rid of food you have just eaten.

Some people take a laxative after eating a large amount of food including after binge eating. People who abuse laxatives believe that they can empty out the food before their body can absorb the calories. They believe this will help them to lose weight, or control their weight.

The truth is that laxatives do not stop your body from digesting food. Department of Health and Human Services. ET closed on federal holidays. Bulimia nervosa. Bulimia nervosa Bulimia nervosa , often called bulimia, is a type of eating disorder. What is bulimia? Purging may be done by: Making yourself throw up Taking laxatives. Laxatives can include pills or liquids that speed up the movement of food through your body and lead to bowel movements. Women with bulimia usually have self-esteem that is closely linked to their body image.

What is the difference between bulimia and other eating disorders? Who is at risk for bulimia? What are the symptoms of bulimia? Over time, some symptoms of bulimia may include: 5 Swollen cheeks or jaw area Calluses or scrapes on the knuckles if using fingers to induce vomiting Teeth that look clear instead of white and are increasingly sensitive and decaying Broken blood vessels in the eyes Acid reflux, constipation, and other gastrointestinal problems Severe dehydration Girls or women with bulimia may also have behavior changes such as: Often going to the bathroom right after eating to throw up Exercising a lot, even in bad weather or when hurt or tired Acting moody or sad, hating the way she looks, or feeling hopeless Having problems expressing anger Not wanting to go out with friends or do activities she once enjoyed People with bulimia often have other mental health problems, including depression, anxiety, or substance abuse.

What causes bulimia? How does bulimia affect a woman's health? Over time, bulimia can affect your body in the following ways: 5 , 7 , 8 Stomach damage from overeating Electrolyte imbalance having levels of sodium, potassium, or other minerals that are too high or too low, which can lead to heart attack or heart failure Ulcers and other damage to your throat from vomiting Irregular periods or not having periods, which can cause problems getting pregnant Tooth decay from vomiting Dehydration Problems having bowel movements or damage to the intestines from laxative abuse Long-term studies of 20 years or more show that women who had an eating disorder in the past usually reach and maintain a healthy weight after treatment.

How is bulimia diagnosed? How is bulimia treated? Treatment plans may include one or more of the following: 6 Nutrition therapy. People who purge make themselves throw up or take laxatives regularly should be treated by a doctor. Purging can cause life-threatening electrolyte imbalances. Some people with bulimia may need to be hospitalized if they have serious heart or kidney problems.

Sometimes called "talk therapy," psychotherapy is counseling to help you change harmful thoughts or behaviors. This type of therapy may focus on the importance of talking about your feelings and how they affect what you do.

For example, you might talk about how stress triggers a binge. You may work one-on-one with a therapist or in a group with others who have bulimia. Nutritional counseling. A registered dietitian or counselor can help you eat in a healthier way than binging and purging. Support groups can be helpful for some people with bulimia when added to other treatment. In support groups, girls or women and sometimes their families meet and share their stories.

Some antidepressants may help girls and women with bulimia who also have depression or anxiety. How does bulimia affect pregnancy? Bulimia can cause problems getting pregnant and during pregnancy.

Bulimia can also cause problems during pregnancy. Bulimia raises your risk for: Miscarriage pregnancy loss 14 Premature birth also called preterm birth , or childbirth before 37 weeks of pregnancy Delivery by cesarean section C-section Having a low birth weight baby less than five pounds, eight ounces at birth Having a baby with a birth defect 15 Depression after the baby is born 16 postpartum depression.

If I had an eating disorder in the past, can I still get pregnant? If I take medicine to treat bulimia, can I breastfeed my baby? Did we answer your question about bulimia? For more information about bulimia, call the OWH Helpline at or contact the following organizations: MentalHealth. Sources Smink, F.

Epidemiology, course, and outcome of eating disorders. Current Opinion in Psychiatry ; 26 6 ; Marques, L. International Journal of Eating Disorders ; 44 5 : Gagne, D. Eating disorder symptoms and weight and shape concerns in a large web-based convenience sample of women ages 50 and above: Results of the gender and body image GABI study.

International Journal of Eating Disorders; 45 7 : Dentists are often the first people to notice signs of bulimia. With repeated vomiting, teeth are permanently eroded and may begin to discolor or change in shape, size or length.

They often become weaker, more translucent and brittle. The ends of teeth may become drastically thinner and chip off. Stomach acid coming into contact with veneers and fillings will eventually erode the materials. This destruction of the teeth causes sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures, making it painful to eat and drink Burkhart, Along with the destruction of the teeth, gums and soft tissues in the mouth are affected as well. Those who purge may develop lesions on the roof of their mouth, on the insides of their cheeks or on the back of their throat from inducing vomiting with a finger, toothbrush or another device.

In numerous patients, it has been shown that immediate brushing after vomiting has negative effects on the teeth, often making decay and damage worse. This damage can be partially prevented when patients rinse their mouths following purging instead of brushing their teeth. Frequent vomiting also results in canker sores, redness and pain in the mouth and enlarged salivary glands, which may cause swollen cheeks.

Bulimia behaviors may also result in dry mouth, cavities, periodontal disease and general poor oral hygiene Lyons, With consistent bingeing and purging, individuals with bulimia experience severe nutritional deprivation and they may start to experience starvation. As a result of starvation and malnutrition, lanugo hair may appear on the face and body in an attempt to keep the person warm, the skin may pale and scalp hair and nails may become brittle. If an individual is vomiting, they may experience a change in their facial appearance, as vomiting may lead to swollen glands causing puffy cheeks and ruptures in the blood vessels in the eyes.

In addition to these effects, frequent vomiting may cause hand dermatitis from frequent, compulsive handwashing and the knuckles and fingers may develop sores, scratches and dry skin from self-induced vomiting Gupta, Haberman, Vomiting and excessive laxative use can disrupt the digestive system, causing gastrointestinal bleeding and reflux.

Many individuals experience extreme heartburn due to this regurgitation along with the inflammation of the esophagus. If irritation of the esophagus is severe and the vomiting behavior is not lessened, bulimia rarely may result in a ruptured esophagus. In addition to the negative results of vomiting, bingeing has serious consequences as well. Frequent episodes of bingeing may result in gastric rupture, where the stomach bursts from being too full.

This happens when an individual eats so much that they unable to purge after due to the pressure in the gut. Gastric rupture may be fatal. Those who abuse laxatives will typically have electrolyte imbalances and will often become dependent on laxatives. With bingeing and laxative use, the colon may stretch and lose strength, causing severe constipation.

In severe cases of bulimia, individuals have permanently lost bowel function and have had to use a colostomy bag for the remainder of their life Herrin, Matsumoto,


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