Why is proton spin important

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March 31, In the s, scientists discovered that a proton's three valance quarks red, green, blue account for only a fraction of the proton's overall spin.

More recent measurements have revealed that gluons yellow corkscrews contribute as much as or possibly more than the quarks. Credit: Brookhaven National Laboratory. Photo courtesy of Jefferson Laboratory. Provided by Brookhaven National Laboratory. Citation : How did the proton get its spin?

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Model identifies a high degree of fluctuations in gluons as essential to explaining proton structure Mar 14, Feb 16, Sep 11, A new look at the proton Sep 25, This is a BETA experience. You may opt-out by clicking here. More From Forbes. Jul 23, , am EDT. Jul 15, , am EDT. Jul 8, , am EDT. Jul 1, , am EDT. Jul 20, , am EDT. Jul 19, , am EDT. Jul 18, , am EDT. Jul 17, , am EDT. Jul 16, , am EDT. If gluon spin does not provide the balance of the missing proton spin, the rest might arise from the orbital angular momentum of the quarks and gluons swarming around inside the proton.

Just as Earth rotates on its own axis as well as orbits the sun, quarks and gluons have their own internal spin, along with angular momentum that comes from their movement around the center of the proton.

The question, says physicist Robert Jaffe of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, who was not involved in the research, is what portion of the total spin each of these elements contributes.

The recently discovered Higgs boson is often said to be responsible for bestowing mass on all other particles. This is true, but is not the whole truth, Rojo says. In addition to the Higgs mechanism, another process is at work to give protons mass.

This process is related to confinement—the reason quarks and gluons are always found confined within other particles, such as protons, and never alone. The dynamics of confinement also affect the spin polarization of quarks and gluons. With our data we have the underlying mechanism for confinement and ultimately for where the mass of the protons comes from.

She has a bachelor's degree in astronomy and physics from Wesleyan University and a graduate degree in science journalism from the University of California, Santa Cruz. Follow Clara Moskowitz on Twitter. Rothe, H. Lattice gauge theories: an introduction. World Sci. Notes Phys. Maris, P. Dyson—Schwinger equations: a tool for hadron physics.

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