Why is contagion rated pg 13

And in San Francisco, Dr. Ian Sussman Elliott Gould searches for a way to grow a culture for study after U. Within hours, her son Clark Griffin Kane is also dead. Sent to Minnesota to assess the situation there, Dr.

Erin Mears Kate Winslet begins organizing treatment centers in hockey rinks and other large facilities. He further accuses the government and big pharmaceutical companies of holding back information in order to make money from the catastrophe.

The ensuing scenarios come across as all too possible as the population storms grocery stores in search of food, loots and burns businesses, and breaks into fights in food lines and hospital waiting rooms. Ethical issues also arise when limited medical treatment is doled out by a lottery system and one official goes against protocol by warning his wife to get out of town before the city is quarantined. While growing numbers of body bags, a gruesome medical procedure and a shocking death scene may leave some viewers worrying about the consequences of human contact, other audience members may react differently.

Given the possibility of such a situation, how could one prepare? If nothing else, I feel far more motivated to keep my hands away from my face and to restock the hand sanitizer. Violence: A hotel maid finds a dead body. Sick characters are shown in public. One character uses his cell phone to record an ill man having seizures after he falls to the floor on public transit.

Later he posts the video. Another character walks into traffic and is hit and killed by a service truck. Numerous sick people suffer seizures and dead patients are shown. Blood splatters on the medical staff during the operation. Expect disturbing imagery including a gory autopsy and mature themes, such as death in one case, of a child and infidelity.

There's also some swearing including "s--t" and social drinking. Add your rating See all 12 parent reviews. Add your rating See all 57 kid reviews. Upon her return, she's gripped with flu-like symptoms, has a seizure in her kitchen, and dies.

Her husband, Mitch Matt Damon , is in shock. Meantime, the Center for Disease Control is flooded with calls from around the country -- and the globe; whatever killed Beth is killing plenty of other people, too. Meanwhile, a blogger Jude Law is convinced of a government conspiracy and hypes an alternative remedy, while others are up in arms and start looting.

It's up to Dr. Ellis Cheever Laurence Fishburne and his investigators including Kate Winslet , as well as other scientists and doctors around the world, to identify the agent and find a cure before the planet loses millions more citizens. When your first instinct after seeing the movie is to attempt not to touch anything on your way home and to wash your hands thoroughly, you know it hit its marks.

Though some cast members have more camera time than others -- Damon, for instance, who's first rate, and Fishburne, in a meaty, satisfying role -- the film is a masterful ensemble piece in which no one hogs the spotlight. Given the subject matter, it's surprising how Contagion doesn't unfold like a hospital-based TV drama.

Jargon pops up in seemingly organic and very necessary moments; it's explained well, too. Emotional moments are used selectively, grounding the film in humanity without becoming maudlin or manipulative. An Internet subplot hovers dangerously close to excess, but manages to pull away from the brink.

All in all, it's a Soderbergh win. Is it the tone? The subject matter? Are you scared that something like this could really happen? Parents, talk to your kids about any fears the movie raises. For tips, try this article. How does the movie portray the Internet as a source of information regarding disease and health? Common Sense Media's unbiased ratings are created by expert reviewers and aren't influenced by the product's creators or by any of our funders, affiliates, or partners.

See how we rate. Streaming options powered by JustWatch. Common Sense Media, a nonprofit organization, earns a small affiliate fee from Amazon or iTunes when you use our links to make a purchase.

The more frightening part of the movie is that is it possible. The element of the unknown is what this family movie guide makes it have the most impact on the audience.

The content of the Contagion movie is disturbing, and it was meant to be. For that reason, the Contagion movie is not recommended for the very young, or for adults that are sensitive to this type of material.

In , the movie Outbreak posed a similar scenario. Only the writers of Contagion have more research and some real scenarios to incorporate, making the presentation of the circumstances in the movie very realistic. The unknown is the monster in this movie. Every time a character coughs or sneezes, it makes the audience wonder if they will be the next victim of the deadly virus. If someone in the movie theater coughs or sneezes, everyone else will wonder if it is only a cold after seeing this movie.

By the end of the movie, people begin to act in self-preservation mode. A father will not allow his daughter out of the house. Healthcare workers refuse to come to work. Is this as far-fetched as we might think? I believe the Contagion movie did one thing right; it portrayed human nature realistically. We see a sick woman in a hospital she has an IV in her arm, she coughs and appears to be feverish.

A woman tells a man that she is sick and pregnant we see that the woman is pale and that she has a smear of goo on her face and that she had a seizure the man does not help her and we understand later that she died.

A woman coughs and then eats nuts from a community bowl on a bar. A boy coughs and has a fever when he is leaving his school to go home. A woman has a deep, raspy cough. Several agents chase and surround a man and then handcuff him we see him being questioned later. A woman is forcibly taken out of her car and put into a van where she is handcuffed. People panic in a pharmacy, break a pane of glass and rush the pharmacy counter to steal something.

People panic at a food distribution site, charge a truck and attack each other when they are told all the food is gone. People are seen looting a grocery store.

We hear the glass window of a bank being shattered and see a man breaking in. A man attempts to steal another man's car he is interrupted by the car's owner. People protest outside a government office and throw things at a car driving by.


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