Why is castle crashers rated t

This means we can now go from reserved excitement to full fledged, ecstatic, ADD filled excitement. We say, bring on the blood, gore, cartoon violence and crude humor! We're ready! All products recommended by Engadget are selected by our editorial team, independent of our parent company.

Some of our stories include affiliate links. If you buy something through one of these links, we may earn an affiliate commission. Although some parts can be tough, the more players the better is what this game is really all about later on and helps curb the difficulty.

This review Helped me decide 1. Had useful details 1. Read my mind 1. Report this review. Parent of a year-old Written by Kaiden M.

May 9, A little bloody I played this with my 10 year old nephew last month and he loves it we beat it the day we got. Every time he comes over he wants to play. If I was anyone who just got the game turn off the bloody for the first time.

Helped me decide. Had useful details. Adult Written by Kay K. December 27, It is not violent at all. It is also very fun. This title contains: Positive Messages. Read my mind. Parent of a year-old Written by Jswurd June 19, Violent, a little addictive but gets old This game is fun at first but gets old doing the same thing over and over again.

See our privacy policy. A lot or a little? The parents' guide to what's in this movie. Positive Messages. Positive Role Models. Ease of Play. Simple controls; easy to learn. Starts off mid-party, with characters celebrating with food, drink. What parents need to know Parents need to know that Castle Crashers Remastered is a downloadable action game that's an upgrade to Castle Crashers , complete with all the downloadable content from the original release.

Continue reading Show less. Stay up to date on new reviews. Get full reviews, ratings, and advice delivered weekly to your inbox. User Reviews Parents say Kids say. Parent Written by nuenjins January 23, One of the best side scrolling brawlers of all time.

Aside from some very obvious poop and fart jokes CC is a harmless, almost bloodless affair that doesn't play up any gore factor. Up to 4 local players is a Continue reading. Report this review. Parent of a year-old Written by Kaiden M.

May 9, A little bloody I played this with my 10 year old nephew last month and he loves it we beat it the day we got. Every time he comes over he wants to play. Kid, 10 years old June 6, Kid, 12 years old April 28, It's Decent, Some offensive signs.

Mostly there aren't really angry genstures. What's it about? Is it any good? Talk to your kids about Our editors recommend. Colorfully chaotic party game expanded with bonus content.

Gauntlet: Slayer Edition. Fun, challenging arcade adventure with fantasy violence. Magicka 2. Bring along some friends for spell-slinging fun. For kids who love arcade action. Best Action Games for Kids.


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