A couple days later I received an "inquiry" about my post. When I tried to read it, Roomster required payment of 9. So I paid it. Then I went back to the inquiry and it said, "Conversation no longer available. I put a note on my calendar for 5 days later to cancel. Turns out, they charged another fee of 9.
I'm totally fed up so cancelled it altogether, not using the additional week that I apparently paid for two days early. THREE people tried to scam me within 24 hours. THREE unless they're one person but regardless you have to be careful. Every time I would mention about wanting to check the place out there was always an excuse or no reply then they would respond back hours later changing the subject.
Pay attention to the IDs they send you. They're FAKE. They'll text you a pic of their IDs. One girl's age didn't match up with the date on the card. Then another chick claimed her dad was sick so she always in another state and insist no tour.
ALSO I forgot to mention that this chick had text some of the similar words the other girl said meaning they had the same misspelled and poor grammar words. That's when I thought maybe this is one person trying to scam people. If they will not let you tour the place then something's up. Don't do it. The ripoff starts the moment you sign up. After getting stuck with a ten dollar "security fee," when you go to login, they hit you with ANOTHER charge, just to subscribe to what you just thought you already did!!!
And it only gets worse from there. Today is November , an up-to-date review. I've been getting a lot of email notifications about people messaging me on the site but they are not specifically replying to my listing or post.
I messaged over a dozen people and have not gotten a single reply. I don't feel that people are using the site seriously or often enough to see the messages and reply in a couple days.
I also feel that the quality of the people is not high enough to expect them to communicate quickly or they may have forgotten about signing up all together. I have been trying out a few roommate seeking websites and this was one of them that I signed up for and paid for a few day membership.
I've been getting a lot of email notifications about people messaging me for maybe a room but I don't believe they are real people who want to rent my room.
I feel like this is all just to get me to sign up and pay. I'm curious to see if all the emails notifications and messages are real or fake so I can determine if I should never use this site again. Paying to see messages is annoying. There has to be some other revenue model that doesn't feel like extortion.
Also, I think I've tried this service before and was unimpressed with the respondents. They seemed like they were just messaging anyone and asked to see my apartment without giving me any details about who they were or what they were like.
I emailed a woman on Craig's List who would have me come look at her room after emailing her from this site. This does not seem to interface very well with my previous experience on Roomster.
I'm having a hard time figuring out the difference between creating a listing, and creating a broadcast? Also, I knew what value-driven services I got from being a paid member before It's all a bit nebulous. I would appreciate some contact and help in that regard. I trust for some reason.
The security measures taken for our safety and well being more sites are needed like this. I appreciate this service, it appears very well thought out. I've had difficulty using the online app however.
The upload ribbon was ineffective, so I had to use the mobile app to add photos to my post. I also lost my first attempt at a description after I adjusted the browser window size Other than that, I think you're really onto something here.
I am new to Roomster and its a very convenient and safe way to look for stable living. I like the various selection that you can choose from. I'm in awe right about now. So glad that I clicked on it. I had google room mates or shared living and Roomster was one of the selection and I'm so glad that I clicked on you.
Why force payment just to send messages? That's annoying. All else is ok. Map functionality isn't great, zooming and filtering on results happens too quickly and is slightly jarring. Best, Ben. I have never seen a more efficient website for finding roommates anywhere. Send 57 messages.
I look right roommates. Hopeful, I find good ppl amp is a good areas If it is not working out. Cancel money back me Thank you. I need a right roommate for temporary it is first time let men see if I find good roommates. I understand your business model, but allowing someone to set up an entire account before making them aware that they can not read incoming messages without a subscription is really bad.
For anyone who was really interested in my post, I left them hanging for weeks until I decided your site may be worth it. I'm sure that's not the experience you want for your users. Simply because this is a niche site. I usually rent a house on zillow, but I'm trying out a new model by renting the rooms. For all i know this site is a complete scam just wanting to take my money and doesn't help with what i'm looking for.
I don't even get test the legitimacy of this site before actually having to pay for the service, how does that make sense? So I was directed to this site by a person on Craigslist sho wanted me to register with Roomster. Okay, no problem. So I went back to Craigslist and found exactly what I was looking for. Roommster is a big failure in my book. Well I'm just looking for a place to live but so far people have been messaging me about rooms so I hope it's Rad!
Your page allowed me to send messages, but did not inform me that IA would have to pay to have access to responses. I found that out by asking tech support. Also, I wanted to sign up for 30 days but the only option is recurring. Better communication upfront will prevent you from looking disingenuous. I am certain you weren't trying to trick me, but I bet you have a lot of abandoned carts because of these facts.
I haven't think I finish my with the info to prepare me for a roommate and I'm getting emails like crazy. Well, it's so tough out there right now what with the covid and everything.
I hav e been vaccinated 2 times and feel great about all it does. I see the gyms are opening up thank God so maybe the housing will too.
It's just been so frustrating so far. I am a great, fun, clean to a fault GWM and I hear from nobody. Can't tell you. I don't run long on the texts cause they get redundant and boring so I try to keep it inviting. I hope to hear from someone in my price range So we'll see.
Click to see full answer. Besides, can you use Roomster for free? Roomster It's free to create an account and post a listing with photos and also to receive messages from paid subscribers but you need to upgrade to a paid account to connect to social media sites and use the onsite mailbox.
Beside above, does Roomster send fake messages? Roomster is complicit in these crimes, as their "service reps" contact you via text message and encourage contact with scammers.
They are committing fraud via text and interstate banking with no consequence so far. In order to actually connect with people looking for roommates you have to pay. Roomster connects people at all price points in countries. If you haven't subscribed via iTunes, you can manage your subscription through Roomster. We've come to the conclusion that Roomster is a legitimate company with a great idea but poor execution.
The Roomster interface and navigation are absolutely phenomenal compared to a free alternative like Craigslist, but because it is a paid service, most of the listings are either not active or abused by scammers. Is Roomster a good website? Is Craigslist safe to find a roommate? While Craigslist is a great tool, like any roommate finder, you need to be careful and you need be safe. Never meet up at someone's apartment alone. As long as you use common sense and are safe about looking for a roommate on Craigslist, it can be one of the best tools out there.
Do you have to pay to see messages on Roomster? Of course, over at roomster you had to PAY for a subscription in order to be able to message someone or read their message to you. There are one or two legitimate listings, but by far MOST are phony listings designed to get you to the site. How do I Screenmate my roommate? Here are six tips for finding a trustworthy roommate. Ask your friends. It's pretty common knowledge that living with a friend can be risky.