Both I'm not sure how well it would work with any other druid aside from feral, as when my friend and I tried with him being resto it didn't go so well. Once you get past Razorgore everything else is easy. However Razorgore likes to make people bash their heads against the wall if you don't do it right. Here's what you do for the Razorgore fight: 1: Get set up. The hunter must have their pet dismissed because they will be controlling the orb.
However you can not control the orb when you have a pet out as it does not auto dismiss your pet for you. The druid just needs to be ready to engage the mobs up above at the orb. Activate the orb from below the platform, by standing as close to it as possible. Take Razorgore and start from the back of the room opposite the orb and work your way to the sides then forward.
While the hunter is doing that the druid should be killing the adds that spawn. They hardly hit at all and a few swipes and mangles should take care of a good portion of them.
The druid needs to watch out for two things however. Each hit the hunter takes lowers the time they can be using Razorgore and if they get hit too many times then their debuff won't be gone when the spell breaks.
He can be hit by the druid's attacks, and if he dies he'll blow up everything and you'll have to start over. Usually though picking up the mobs isn't a problem, just wait until Razorgore is moved to the next egg and get the mobs as they are chasing after him. Once all eggs are down the adds will flee and Razorgore should but might not focus in on the hunter. The hunter should be on the top of his aggro list from controlling him.
However sometimes we've had him aggro in on my druid buddy instead but still it's not an issue. Just burn him down. There is a chance that if you sit there too long the instance glitches out a bit. It seems to slip back into phase 2 of the fight and the adds will begin spawning again and will not stop until either everyone is dead or the group zones out. They literally will not stop spawning.
My friend and I spent 10 minutes at least of killing them and they were still coming around. After that it's pretty easy. For Vaelastrasz the Corrupt: 1: Have the druid tank him facing where Nefarian was when you entered the room. Then just go nuts. He goes down easy at lvl 85, with hardly a chance to do anything but a few melee swings.
For Broodlord Lashlayer: 1: Getting to him will be slow. It sucks but oh well. Lashlayer will knock you back and we know how that goes. Also right by the door is an area where you will not be effected by the slowing gas in the room. Other then that nothing special. Burn them all and nothing will happen. Firemaw and Flamegor can be pulled separately, so no problems there. For Chromaggus: 1: If the hunter wants to tame him, now is the time.
Remember though- To tame exotic beasts the taming hunter must be at least lvl 69, in Beast Mastery spec with the final tier BM talent taken. Otherwise you won't be able to do it. He goes down too fast for the debuffs he applies to be much of an issue save one.
It can be very annoying and you can never know when he's going to put it up. However the cure for it is Hourglass Sand, which drops off the mobs leading up to him. If you are bothering to loot the mobs, by the time you make it up there you'll have plenty of it. For Nefarian: 1: The first phase is easy. Kill the adds that spawn and wait for him to transform. Once he transforms the druid should try to tank him facing a wall. He will fear and mc, though the mc should stop when he transforms.
Granted I've never seen him mc so you may make him shift before he can. Nefarian will do a class call, and some negative things will happen. Druids : Will be forced into 'cat form' It's not quite cat form as you should still be able to use your bear abilities but annoying none the less.
You can't shift out of it either until the duration of your class specific call is up, and there is a chance he could call druids right after it again. Hunters : He'll break your current bow. Either bring several backup bows and cringe at the repair bill later or just say screw it and go crazy with the traps and raptor strikes.
That being said, bm would be a good idea for this fight. The extra damage your pet does would offset your pathetic flailing that does next to nothing to him. XP 3: Eventually he'll reanimate the adds. Easy to deal with, drop an explosive trap and they should be dead quickly. While you're dealing with the reanimated adds, Nefarian will probably end up dying. Easy peasy. One thing to note on this fight though.
There is a chance that the druid may drop to low health during a point where he's been chain cat-formed, so a tenacity pet would be a good idea to have during this fight. That way you can hopefully pull aggro onto the pet while the druid heals. That or a spirit beast to just keep Spirit mending the druid. Either way works.
Comment by note that if you have people who are not attuned you can use the ubrs entrance. Comment by rebsten While this is still impossible to solo, this is very easy to 2 man for a Prot warrior with any other partner. Let me elaborate a bit. If you spec prot, throw a few of your extra talents into Blood Craze. Have your partner MC Razorgore. You will clean the adds off your partner, then off Razorgore.
Avoid killing them. Blood Craze will be up almost constantly. All adds will aggro onto you by default. Just watch where you stand. I prefer to stand about 41 yards away from the platform to force the caster adds to run to me and not AOE on my partner, however, you can also run in circles around the pillars if you prefer.
Keep the melee adds away from Razorgore. Even if they are aggro'd onto you, they will focus a very hard hitting move called Dragonbane on Razorgore. Aside from that, it should be a clean 2 man. Happy farming. Edit: I wanted to throw in some more info. This is possible to solo for goblins and hunters using an exploit. I can't say I recommend it it is, after all, an exploit , but if you wish to learn more there is a video on it here.
This is working as of this edit on Mach 22nd, I also wanted that pretty much any combo can 2 man Razorgore, but as a warrior I found this method very easy. A few days after I posted this I realized you could have your partner stand beneath the platform and click the orb, thus eliminating the mobs spawning, auto pathing to the orb, and AOEing before chasing you. This will give you far more time channeling. Comment by donnachaidh As of 4. Although you still can not solo this place due to the first boss.
Comment by Eukanubae If you have a good friend, go into this instance, every week, loot the gold, farm the ores, and collect the cool weapons and armors.
Get the chill of killing one of the coolest bosses ingame, and for the love of god, do not let them whelps die! Comment by Deadlyz I like the instance; too bad it's impossible to solokill the first boss. Comment by Mollification Blackwing Lair does not give rep. In phase 1, one person must use an orb to MC him and destroy the eggs around the room use his "Destroy Egg" ability. The other player must keep the adds off of Razorgore; if Razorgore dies in phase 1, he will wipe the raid.
Adds will also attack the player controlling the orb, but these can be mostly ignored since only the first two hits against that player will reduce your MC channel time. At this point, it is imperative that no player damage is done to him, as it will significantly decrease his health.
If both players are able to pick up adds, the other player can immediately pick up the MC and continue. If you have a healer, Razorgore can be healed while MCed, which will help keep him alive in this phase. After he destroys all the eggs, wait for him to regain full health and start phase 2, then burn him down. All other bosses: Easy Ebonroc Tricky because of his Shadow of Ebonroc debuff, in which he heals himself for 25k every time he does damage to a target.
It is very difficult to dps through this at level 85 alone. Things that avoid damage such as dodge and kiting help, but absorption shields are easily the best antidote a priest's Power Word: Shield or a Blood DK's mastery, for example.
If you cannot absorb damage or kite him enough to avoid being damaged, you will likely have to bring another class. Chromaggus Will put one of 5 Blood Afflictions on the target, and if all 5 are on you, you will become MCed and turn into a Chromatic Drakonid. One of the Afflictions is to be removed with the Hourglass Sand that drops in the instance, the rest can be removed, as they are a Poison, Disease, Curse and Magic, respectively. Having a tank take care of adds is ideal.
Keep the boss and adds as far apart as possible. If boss dies, so do you except for when it's time to kill him. Edit for lvl Vaelastrasz the Corrupt Easy solo kill.
To get to the next boss you need to move through two rooms of whelps. Only rogues can activate the supressors. Just move through as fast as you can to the boss. Broodlord Lashlayer Easy solo kill. Once you've killed the above boss, kill the trash immediately after his room and pick up 3 or 4 Hour Glass Sand s. You will need them for a later boss. Firemaw Easy solo kill. Flamegor Easy solo kill. Ebonroc He puts a debuff on you that heals him every time you deal damage.
This can be brute forced. Provided you do decent crits you'll do damage faster than he can heal. Chromaggus Edit for lvl Put the Hour Glass Sand you picked up earlier on your action bar somewhere and be ready to click it at a moment's notice. Make sure you have DBM addon so you'll be alerted when to click. Go in with full force and blow all cooldowns to burn him as fast as possible. You should only need to do this once or twice during the whole fight. Be quick or he'll charm you for 5 minutes.
Nefarian A fairly easy tank and spank after a ton of adds come out. Make sure when Nef is about to die that you have enough health and a decent AOE ready as a million adds spawn when he dies.
Comment by togahsisoka No longer requires a raid, you can just click the orb and enter Comment by In case someone is wondering i just cleared BWL with my mage. Comment by Wanderinlost Razergore- I have solo'd this twice now as a Arms warrior, approx k hp, 20kdps and I could probably do it in any spec as warrior. I mc razergore for the full duration the first time killing eggs closest to the orb and moving towards the full platform.. When the first cycle ends Ill quickly AOE most of what is around me and regain control of razore and continue killing eggs after about 10 seconds.
Now when razergore starts to pick up adds I will right click portrait and dismiss link, half the adds should htne drop razergore aggro you.
Skill some more adds and pick up razer again. Repeat until done. I will drop control of razergore times to keep him alive. It come close but doable once you master your egg stomping skills. Droping control when razor starts taking too much damage is the key. Comment by realmsmashr a geared lvl 90 pally can solo this nowadays. Comment by direpath For getting through the Suppression Room Solo: The two packs in the room after Vael contain Deathtalon Flamescales that will "punt" you.
I was able to line myself up and get punted onto the next floor which would be the start of the suppression room. I was then able to adjust my position for when they chased me up there and get punted into the area right next to Broodlord at the end of the Suppression room. If you miss on the first attempt, be patient, they do not use this ability constantly. Line it up, stay alive, be patient.
Taking a minute or so to do this will save you the slog through the suppression room. Please note, you will face a train of many mobs from the suppression room, including the punters. I am playing a level 90 Ret pally iLvl and this massive pack, plus Broodlord, gave me little issue. Comment by evilshadow old raid logic you disable the supression devices you still get the debuff. Comment by Okari Blackwing Lair's first boss; Razorgore, is now solo-able by any class as of MoP, albeit it requires an item.
Comment by nirv It seems that any class can disable the Suppression Devices now. I'm not sure when this change was made, but it used to require a Rogue to be able to do it.
Rogues can do it from about yards where my Hunter has to be about 5 yards. Comment by cyrenia Note that you can't kill first boss with a friend and then each finish the raid separately. You're both stuck in the same lock-out. Comment by Aviatrixx This raid is quite annoying to get to, as two of the bosses in Blacking Spire have very slow mechanics. BWL is hard to do if your a level 55 being ran through, as the first and second bosses are tough. Getting up to the second boss is especially difficult if you don't know what you are doing..
Comment by Razorgore The Untamed is soloable for a 90 now, even without the use of pets, guardians, and npcs etc helping you with mobs. I just managed this on my 90 Prot. Forget about killing any mobs at all in between MCs, and you hopefully shouldn't need to heal yourself either. Just jump straight back on the orb after MC fades, and repeat until Razorgore has killed all the eggs, at which point all of the mobs will run out of the room without needing to be killed.
I did not have anything killing mobs on Razorgore or myself. At one point the MC orb became hard to see and therefore use, with so many mobs attacking the character, at which point i jumped off the front of the platform and ran round the side back to the orb.
It was then easily visible and ready for use again after the mobs followed me. Happy hunting! Comment by mecnunk Solo'ed as a lvl85 Shadow priest avg ilevel Really cool raid and only the second one I have done besides MC. The bosses are hard and require some thought and a touch of luck just like it should be. The first and second bosses are the hardest to do solo and I wiped many a time on those two. The first boss you may get wiped as a loner a few times but may eventually catch a bit of luck where when you are in control and breaking the eggs you don't attract too much aggro, enough to last the distance.
The key is to move smartly and move fast. You have to be focused and keep an eye on bosses health. I don't know if it helped with speed but I jumped a lot between the eggs and tried to stay moving as much as possible.
Forget the adds attacking you, don't waste time on them or use any other razorgore ability except break egg. You will need at least two turns with control of razorgore.. I didnt waste any time in between the controls to kill the adds.. A quick AOE like mind sear to kill about half that were crowding me, shield up and regain control I didnt even waste time healing.. You will know what happens when he dies :D. Make sure you take him to opposite side of the room when you are about to lose control over him and do not let him get back all the way to you on the other platform before you regain control!
Its doable so dont lose hope Finally managed the eggs and beat the crap out of all the adds by AOE. Razorgore is an easy fight too at lvl85, and thought my problems were over No , then I met vaelastrasz the corrupt. On this alone I must have wiped times before I thought to do research on boss abilities :.
Although your spells become instant cast the ones with CD still require waiting. For casters you need to be smart with rotation to maximize your output. I kept some DOt's on him but once the mana burn debuff is on, pick one instant damager and spam it until your rmore damaging spells CD is done because time is a factor same as first boss I used mind spike spam when AB debuff was on.
SW: Death helped and it was a still a close thing in the end.. Of course I still died just at the moment of killing him and so will you : unless you lvl 90 or something and can finish the fight in 15 seconds. Ended up buying Flask of the warm sun to supplement my intellect and then on second try I killed him.
Other classes may have other preferences. The halls with the suppression traps.. I just walked through.. Tried to avoid the casters and dragonkin if I could. Chromaggus is tricky.. You would have collected this dust that dispels bronze de-buff. Put it on your action bar as you will need it in a hurry. The other debuff I could dispel was the magic one as a caster. Make sure he doesnt put all 5 de-buffs on you because that will turn you into a draknoid and put Chromaggus back to full health plus waste 5 mins of your life while the de-buff wears off.
Suggested elsewhere you can get immature venom sacks from UBRS to dispel the green debuff. Key is to be prepared with atleast one of your own dispel method and the dust for bronze debuff you will collect anyway, then just keep dps'ing him into submission.
The debuffs is what make the encounter tricky. Nefarion himself was a piece of cake compared with these. You may need maste mana potion as sometimes the sheer quantity of enemies will drain your mana down to nothing. Hope ths helps priests and casters wanting to solo this raid and it is well worth doing, its a lot of fun though frustrating at times. Comment by aprildawn All bosses are relatively easy to kill, except the first boss, Razorgore. Before killing anyone, take control of orb and kill eggs on platform where Razorgore starts out.
Dismiss Razorgore. Kill as many adds as you can before Razorgore reaches platform. Drop Rune of Power HoT for 60 seconds. This causes adds to damage you, instead of Razorgore, but the damage you take is insignificant.
Kill eggs, starting on far side of room and working towards orb. When eggs are gone, finish off Razorgore easy. Comment by Galhaar Where is the entrance to the raid and how do I get there in Blackrock spire? Comment by I can't finish off the first boss I never have enough time to kill all the eggs. I'm soloing as a 90 enhance shammy since I have no clue how to raid with 40 people I can kill quite a bit of eggs but, then he dies and so do I how can I do this alone any tips please?
I just really wanna get the shoulders for Tmog. Comment by feddern aften doing this dungeon, how long time will i take to generate? Comment by Zovesta Solo'd this very easily as a lvl 90 shadow priest, ilvl The only hard one was Razorgore because of the egg breaking mechanics. After that, very easy. Didn't even need to use the powders for the coloured afflictions or mess around with the suppression rooms.
Comment by jaaba Since the 6. Try not to die though because I haven't been able to find a way back in since the orb isn't there in ghost form and your body isn't in the UBRS instance. Comment by Know someone where is entrance in new pre-patch? Because entrance is only for lvl Comment by Hi Guys, can some one tell me where i can find the netrance to get to blackwing lair in patch 6.
Comment by PB Since the 6. Which makes the attunement quest impossible to complete. Don't bother with it! Blizzard put out a hot fix so that you don't need the attunement anymore to use the orb. So here is what you do to get into BWL. Welcome to Blackwing Lair. On another note. If you die in the instance, your spirit will pop up by the balcony. BWL is a cake walk.
Blackwing Lair is located at the very height of Blackrock Spire. You can enter the mountain from either the Burning Steppes or through Searing Gorge. The small town is in the townland of Haggardstown and part of the Dundalk metropolitan area. The population of the village is between 3, and 5, Or go to SW and take the tram to IF, then walk. Searing Gorge is a contested zone in the Eastern Kingdoms for players in the range.
Searing Gorge is home to a group of exceptionally stout dwarves called the Thorium Brotherhood, who have split from the Dark Iron clan. From the Badlands, simply go west. From Loch Modan, take the road southwest out of Thelsamar or the road southwest out of the south gate pass, through a long tunnel which will end in Searing Gorge. From Dun Morogh, follow the roads east and through the tunnel into Loch Modan, then do the above step.
Go south through Loch Modan to Badlands. Nefarian also captured and corrupted Vaelastrasz, while his creation Chromaggus survived and guarded the lair.
Due to Moira Thaurissan who sent information on Nefarian and the Dark Horde all over Azeroth, the Horde leadership in Orgrimmar learned truth about their orc brethren in Blackrock Mountain. As such, Horde heroes invaded the lair, cut through the twisted experiments and slew Nefarian in his sanctuary. Some time after the Fourth War , SI:7 agents thoroughly investigated the lair and found references to similar experiments that may predate Nefarian. They collected the material for further study.
Port in by using the Orb of Command located at the end of the hall to the right of the entrance to Blackrock Spire The attunement quest [60D] Blackhand's Command is no longer necessary and has been removed from the game. Vaelastrasz the Corrupt. As of Patch 5. Players can also learn [ Goblin's Guide to Elementium ]. Wowpedia Explore. Main Page All Pages. World of Warcraft. Classic Vanilla The Frozen Throne Reforged. Explore Wikis Community Central. Register Don't have an account? Blackwing Lair.
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