Why nazi zombies

Other Blitzes include Faustblitz, which increases your melee damage, Schnellblitz, which makes you reload faster, and Schildblitz, which releases a burst of damaging electricity when you reload your weapon. While all of these blitzes sound great, you can only equip four of them at a time five if you choose a specific mod in your loadout. You can unequip Blitzes by returning them to the machine you bought them from, but with these Blitzes costing thousands of Jolts, it is best to think twice before purchasing one.

Furthermore, Jolts are not easy to come by, and you will often face a choice between a new weapon, a new area, or a Blitz.

Assess your situation when figuring out what to do with your Jolt stockpile, and if you are comfortable with your weapons and can access almost all of Mittelberg, then go ahead and stock up on Blitzes.

Yes, the Mystery Box is back in Nazi Zombies, and it works the same way it did in previous games. Hidden beneath Mittelberg, this supernatural box will aid you in survival, as it gives you an opportunity to provide your arsenal with an added punch via some special weapons. For the reasonable price of Jolts, you will receive a random weapon from the Mystery Box. Usually, the best weapons to get from the Mystery Box are Light Machine Guns, as they provide a ton of ammo as well as some of the best lethality in game.

If you use the Mystery Box and receive an MG 15 or MG 42, then consider yourself one lucky survivor and use it wisely. The Mystery Box always spawns in the Command Room at the start of each game, but after a pre-determined number of uses, it will move to another location on the map. You will have to search around Mittelberg if you want to use the box again, and that may mean backtracking or opening new areas to find the elusive Mystery Box.

Every upgraded weapon receives a major damage boost, and some offer other benefits such as explosive rounds or quicker speed when aiming down sights. The Upgrade Station can be found in the Sewers, but is sealed inside a rusty iron cage linked to a few chains hanging from the ceiling. You can access this machine by solving a simple puzzle, but you may have to get a bit dirty to figure it out.

The Upgrade Station also doles out ammunition for your upgraded weapons for Jolts, so if you run out of ammo, stop wishing for a Max Ammo or Taschen Voll to spawn and head back to the station for a refill! Nazi Zombies is a great solo experience, but often times you will be overwhelmed by the zombie horde when going at it alone. Install Steam. Your Store Your Store. Categories Categories. Special Sections.

Player Support. Community Hub. Save France from Hitler the fuhrer, with waifu and guns. All Reviews:. Popular user-defined tags for this product:. Is this game relevant to you? Sign In or Open in Steam. Profile Features Limited. Languages :. View Steam Achievements Includes 26 Steam Achievements.

Publisher: SeedWall. Share Embed. View Community Hub. The action takes place in Normandy when the allied forces arrive in France during the Second World War. Message and Data Rates may apply. By checking the box, you also agree that Activision may send you promotional texts at the above number. Let us know your issue below and one of our top agents will get back to you via email within four hours.

Check Online Services. Ask The Community. Xbox One. Should you decide to go it alone, here are a few things to remember:. You know that helpful little Prologue that teaches you all the great new things Sledgehammer Games added to Nazi Zombies?

Did you know it technically has no end? Use this low-stakes opportunity to learn the nuts and bolts of Nazi Zombies and how to survive on your own. Perfect your melee technique, keep track of how many hits each wave needs to go down take note of how much time you have between waves and what you can get done in that window. As long as you stay in the house, the zombies will keep coming. And who knows: sticking around may come with a perk or two, depending upon how many waves you survive.

And try to go somewhere over the rainbow hint hint. Make a dash for any open area to get a decent lead on the zombies, then make an about-face, preferably just on the other side of a choke point. This is a perfect time to activate the Freefire Special Ability if you have it equipped, which allows you to fire nonstop without reloading or expending any of your ammo supply.


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