Why is karel back on kgo

That's one of the damaging byproducts of an increasingly digital world that we've become far too reliant upon. Wouldn;'t it be something if all computers and electronic devices in this world went down, just for a few hours! What would people do!? Interesting food for thought! Charles, have you ever reviewed a police report?

Since you are such "a journalist," did you know if your local police department was using the code or the code? Do you know the PC for homicide, robbery, rape? Have you ever listened to a police scanner? What's the difference between homicide and murder? Why should murder never be used until there is a conviction? Do you know AP Style, Karel?

What J school wereyou graduated from, Charles? What was your GPA? Did you work on your college's student newspaper? Have you ever been a member of the Society of Professional Journalists?

If not, why not? Because you are a hack and not an ethical journalist? No, because you aren't a journalist. Charles, you are nothing but a whiny, Mama's boy who was never told no. You are spoiled. Despite your humble upbringing, your poverty, you were spoiled emotionally.

Just like a snot-nosed spoiled rich kid. That's why you talk over everyone. You are always correct. That's why your opening song reveals so much about you. I listened since I was I'm in my 50s now.

My kids could give a shit about KGO and your news. Talk to all the zoo animals you want. They won't be listening. Way to F up a station, although I do think Gil Gross is about as boring sand paper and should have been canned a long time ago. Perhaps he's a good news guy, but he ain't no talker.

How do you know they talked to zoo animals if you weren't listening?! I'm not happy with KGO either, but don't put on some false outrage just for show. Rich, KGO just announced, p. Guess she refused to speak on Karel's show; otherwise, why not plug her again on Karel? KGO is obviously using her for propaganda purposes to promote its news. The reporter may want to think twice about being a tool for Cumulitis. Doesn't she realize many reporters are taken into custody and then released? It is not rare and does not deserve this much attention, in my view.

Big deal. Deal with it and move on. But continuing it until Monday? You've got to be kidding. And then throwing in a dig at Gil Gross what did HE do to get your panties so in a bunch, we wonder? Perhaps he's not your cup of tea, but back off already. Personally, I became a great fan of Gil over the years and think he might have had the best talk show on KGO! I think he is a brilliant and informed man with a heart of gold!

I have a really hard time listening to Karel. He's far too ADD for me. He'll have an interesting guest, spend two minutes introducing the guest, summing up the guest's bio, etc. WHen he finally asks his guest a substantive question, he'll interrupt the answer, tell anotheer personal story about the time he Karel met some celebrity, then go off on another tangent, then ask another really really good question to his guest, but commercial or news break coming, so he asks the guest to hold on to the question, think about it over the break, then he again repeats his guest's name and C.

Commercial, news, traffic, etc. Bumper music gores on and on, K. Maybe one halfway decent q and a of the guest if we're lucky, but then K veers off into another personal story, and then that segment is almost over, so he agaon repeats who his guest is, and why that guest is so interesting, then reminds us of his Karel's upcoming appearnces or whatever, the webcam, statiion ID, maybe asks another question of his guest to hold over the next break.

I just can't stand it!! I find myself in agreement with much of what you say. I guess these folks who spend so much time wedded to their digital devices are starving for a. It's very sad. I tried to have a conversation with a friend of mine recently, and right in the middle of an interesting discussion, he said: "oh, wait a second, I'm getting a text.. Man I sometimes hate this 21st century! Needs his meds and also some serious therapy. But if that happened, he'd probably be out of a job!

Is anyone surprised? This is the same idiot who kept interrupting the KGO legends for two hours. He has a serious mental disorder, he needs to be the focus of attention even when he has a great guest. I don't know why anyone goes on his show. A previous poster described exactly the Karel interview MO. No wonder he can't keep a man. He must be a royal pain in the ass during a date. Listening to Karel right now belittling a caller who made the point that Occupy Oakland has turned violent.

Had Karel had any experience with public protests as I have, he would understand that there is a difference between peaceful protests and what OO has devolved into. I fail to see how protesting banksters, the Republican presidencies of President Obama and Bush, corporate greed, etc. KKSF The sampler can be downloaded at www.

Remember those? Proceeds go to music education programs in Bay Area schools. See kdfc. On Oct. The station says the system reduces the station's use of the power grid and serves as a test facility for emerging solar technology At the Bay Area Radio Hall of Fame inductions last month, the late Bill Gavin , pioneer programmer and founder of the Gavin Report, was represented by daughter-in-law Laurel Gavin because her husband, Greg Gavin , died on July 30, at age 55, just after the announcement of his father's honor.

Like his dad, Greg did radio and was a musician. Top shopping picks. Log in No account? Create an account. Remember me. Previous Share Flag Next.

Please take 1 minute to send KGO an email asking them to re-hire Karel? Karel is gay, intelligent, liberal, political, hilarious and sweet. He was the most entertaining and enjoyable radio talk show host that I have ever heard. I miss his show terribly. Karel is the exact opposite of a hate-monger, but he is was the most prominent gay radio host in the country. I will never listen to KGO ever again if you do not hire Karel back. I consider your firing of Karel to be evidence of a corporate soullessness that I do not care to support.

I feel betrayed by the lack of concern for your listeners that firing Karel demonstrates. Firing Karel over this one little mistake indicates that your corporation either A follows a right-wing homophobic agenda that is drastically incompatible with the San Francisco Bay Area's community standards or B displays a slavish devotion to the appearance of political correctness OVER a recognition of Karel's obvious respect for all living beings. Below is the entire November 11, blog entry from Karel's website that, as of November 12, , has since been edited and most of it removed: [3] And with a two minute phone call and one paragraph letter I have been fired from KGO.

Radio Examiner as saying the following regarding the newly-hired engineer: [4] "Weekends are cheap and they were using a cheap engineer for my show," he said. Tony Snow On March 27 , , Karel wrote the following for the online The Huffington Post , regarding reports that White House spokesman Tony Snow had developed cancer in his colon: "I hear about Tony Snow and say to myself, well, stand up every day, lie to the American people at the behest of your dictator-esque boss and well, how could a cancer not grow in you.

Retrieved on Others will pity me and say what a shame. And yes, the fear monster has already moved in. But it can also motivate you to come back stronger and bigger than ever. The TV and podcast will go hand in hand.

Friday the campaign launches. See ya! This is so G. How bout you actually make a contribution to society other than spewing hate. Please do not send this moron a single cent.

I was listening to Karel this weekend and I have no sympathy. He's a rude jerk to callers and his constant know it all interruptions of guests is grating. A jerk like Karel engenders no good will so as far as I'm concerned he can go f-himself. Btw what is the current status of Karel's upcoming red carpet performance at Planet Gemini in Monterey? Now just get rid of Pat Thurston! Her behavior is not unlike a primary school prima donna who runs to the powers that be whenever a "colleague" hurts her feelings.

Turns out she was upset because he'd connected her with callers that she couldn't handle. It would be great to see her go. While I am a frequent critic of Karel,. I get no pleasure out of this. It was way overdue, though. As usual it is all about Karel. Several shows had been affected before his firing.

If he honestly believes that paid programming is what caused his firing he is delusional. Well, more delusional than normal. Plus, I really have not much interest in tech anymore.

A tech show does make sense in this area. Jo0hn Batchelor for seven hours? Maybe they are planning on making him the next Dr Gene Scott.

No matter what time you tune in, there he is,. Let's get one thing straight. Podcasts do not work. Lenny the Lawyer tried podcasts after KGO fired him and it totally flopped. Karel needs to be live on the air.

Forget about the podcast dreams. Read david weintraub's blog on this from his Facebook page. Glad he's willing to talk about what happened at KGO.

The guy who got fired for lack of talent is suddenly an expert on why KGO sucks? Wasn't he supposed to be the new young and hip voice of the millenials? He was the supposed to be the savior for whom the millennials would drop their iPhones and make his show "appointment radio"? When will I wake up from this nightmare!!??? Weintraub was here for all of 5 minutes. Please stop giving that Jersey trash any ink. He has no idea what it was like to work at KGO.

He's not a jerk at all. He's actually very considerate off air not that I think he's a jerk on air. What took KGO so long? It'll take The Devil to replace him! What went wrong? Just can't bring myself to celebrate someone's unemployment. If you can't celebrate Karel's radio demise then you haven't been paying attention. I was a big fan when he first appeared on KGO but as the years passed his transformation into a self-centered, opportunistic and rude jerk became too much.

After the mass firing of the great hosts Karel invited them to his weekday show and hardly let them talk! It was basically Karel interviewing Karel and none of the hosts could get a word in before getting interrupted by this red carpet bagger. I could go on and on It was his weekly poor me pity parties that drove me nuts -- as soon as I heard him I changed the dial. I bet he completely blast KGO on his next podcast.

Could be fun to "salt" his calls Where is Steve Lightfoot when you need him??? This really isn't about Karel. This is about a lowlife bottom feeding company cumulus that has spent three years destroying what was a great radio station. That's it, right there. Not now. It's done. Over and Out.


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