Men and women wear similar clothing. While many Mormons find that the garments "stir the deepest feelings of the soul, motivate them to do good, even shape the course of a whole life of service," the site says, they're also pretty straightforward: "There is nothing magical or mystical about temple garments.
Even within the Church, though, the garments have an almost mythical aura. It's even said by some that "Joseph Smith was not wearing his garments when he was assassinated in To varying degrees, all kinds of religious clothing carry this latent sense of power and otherness and secrecy; it's the physical expression of someone's beliefs about the nature of the universe, an outward claim that the wearer possesses some kind of fundamental truth.
LDS temple garments also happen to also be associated with one of the most private, secret spheres of life: sexuality. Mormon underwear sets followers of the faith apart from everyone else in one of the most intimate possible way. But the ongoing fascination with Mormon underwear is also related to pervasive suspicion of Mormonism itself in American culture.
We regret the error. We have also clarified the contemporary LDS Church's position on polygamy. Skip to content Site Navigation The Atlantic. Doctrinal Study Heavenly Parents. Doctrinal Study Holy Ghost. Doctrinal Study Jesus Christ. Doctrinal Study Missionary Work. Doctrinal Study Obedience. Doctrinal Study Ordinances. Peace and Violence among 19th-Century Latter-day Saints. Doctrinal Study Plan of Salvation. Doctrinal Study Priesthood.
Doctrinal Study Prophets. Doctrinal Study Relief Society. Doctrinal Study Repentance. Doctrinal Study Restoration of the Priesthood. Doctrinal Study Resurrection. Doctrinal Study Revelation. Doctrinal Study Sabbath Day. From the start of Romney's career as a public figure--and, in many ways, well before then--the special undergarment worn by many observant Mormon men and women has been a point of political curiosity, debate, and derision.
While provocateurs and bloggers make jokes about "magic Mormon undies," anti-Mormons try to cast the garment as something more sinister--a bizarre symbol of its wearers' fealty to a scary, secretive cult. The reality is far less exciting.
It's true that Mormons are taught not to flaunt "garments" as they're called for public view, which can feed the impression that Romney's hiding some dark, cultish secret beneath his well-starched shirts and neatly-creased slacks. But the principle behind Mormon garments would be familiar to any Baptist who's worn a "What Would Jesus Do" bracelet, or any Jew who's worn a yarmulke or tzitzit woven threads Orthodox Jews wear on shawls under their shirts. As the website for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints puts it, garments are worn as "an outward expression of an inward commitment.
Because garments are considered so sacred, Mormons tend to recoil when they hear non-Mormons make casual reference to their underwear--especially in a political context. But if there ever was a time when discussion of the subject could be contained to LDS circles, now is not it. Anyone who's attended a performance of The Book of Mormon Musical has already seen actors wearing replicas of the underwear on stage.
And as the presidential race wears on, there's no doubt it will come again and again. So, in the spirit of debunking and demystifying, BuzzFeed is here to answer your questions about "magic Mormon underwear. Garments are worn by faithful adult Mormons who've received certain ordinances in one of the church's temples which are different from the churches Mormons attend on Sundays. In temples, Mormons pledge to obey Biblical commandments, live chaste lives, and serve in the church--and the garments are worn to remind wearers of those promises.
Mormons begin wearing garments when they "go through the temple" for the first time--a spiritual rite of passage that typically coincides with leaving to serve a mission, or getting married.